编者按:Mei Hoa女士参加了16年4月的印尼7日体验营,结果停了6个月的月经又正常行经,服用了16年的降压药也停服了,人变得年轻漂亮。祛病、美容,多少人梦寐以求的事,光做“面子工程”能行吗?还是得从根源着手,用大道至简的拍打拉筋自愈法打通经络,充盈气血,自然由内而外散发青春活力!


萧老师,您好。我叫Mei Hoa。我2016年4月20-26日参加了印尼Cisarua酒店7日体验营。还记得我吧?以下是我的分享: 到2016年4月时,我已停经6个月了。在Cisarua酒店体验营拍打拉筋3天后,我的月经又来了,虽然只持续了4天。




我停服了曾服用16年之久的降压药。 谢谢你在Cisarua传授我拍打拉筋自愈法。

Mei Hoa,


PaidaLajin made me prettier and younger

Hi, Mr Xiao.

It’s me, Mei Hoa.

I was at WS Cisarua 20-26 April 2016. I hope you still remember me. I have something to share with you. I stopped menstruation 6 months before April 2016. When I was in Cisarua, after 3 days of PaidaLajin, my menstruation came again, although for only 4 days.

I thought it came only because of PaidaLajin in WS, it wouldn’t come again, but I was wrong. After WS, now I have regular menstruation every month. In June I menstruated 6 days like I was at the age 20 and I have got pimples again like I’m younger again, but my age is 53 years now.

I can walk faster than before I came to WS Cisarua. I feel like a new person and younger again.

I still do PaidaLajin at home like you said to me, never stop it at home. I stopped taking my medicine for high blood pressure that had lasted more than 16 year.

Thank you for teaching me PaidaLajin in Cisarua.

Mei HoaJun

13, 2016