Blood pressure and heart problem normalised without medicine

Blood pressure and heart problem normalised without medicine
Paul Suter suffered heart disease and hypertension. He attended the PaidaLajin Self-Healing workshop held in Johanesburg two years ago. Since the end of workshop, he has no longer taken any medicine, but with blood pressure and heart condition in normal. Benefiting himself from PaidaLajin, he has been spreading the self-healing tirelessly everywhere he goes.

He made a table himself as his Lajin bench


 ETV and Master Xiao interviewed him at his residence


2 responses to “Blood pressure and heart problem normalised without medicine”

  1. Lawrence Avatar

    I can’t log in to buy videos, book, paddle and other items. It keep showing reCaptcha is wrong. But it always show check mark with I’m not a robot.

    1. Sorry, Lawrence, We just readjusted some of our configuration. Please try again and let us know.

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