Self-healing of My Cold Limbs, Pharyngitis and Frequent Urination

I got to know Paidalajin in late November 2013 when my hubby shew me Master Xiao’s video program, which attracted me immediately. Wasn’t it the regimen I had been searching for? Over the next few days, I watched several videos with successful cases. I was really moved and I started to do Paida. Then I bought a Lajin bench. After my doing Paidalajin at home, I applied for the workshop held in Shanghai. I longed for it and I thought I would be able to learn more about real Paidalajin in the training course.


I had dozens of diseases:frequent urination, cholecystitis with gallstone, dysmenorrhea, irregular menstruation, pharyngitis, growth of spots, cold limbs. My participation in the workshop is really worthwhile. My wrong positions of doing Lajin at home were corrected here at the workshop. In addition, many of my puzzles could be explained one after another with great patience.



I benefited greatly from the 7-day workshop. 1. My hands became warm, feet was not so cold as before on the 6th day. 2. Much improved in my pharyngitis, the pain relieved. 3.Frequent urination was basically gone. 4. Experiencing the healing crises of that couple of days, my vitality and physical strength went better. 5.I became aware of self-healing power and health management. 6. I could eventually see the hope of “My health I manage!” I’m really happy and grateful.




Thank E-Tao, Master Xiao. Thank the coaches for their great work in helping us. Thank all the workshop participants for their creation of such a great Paidalajin atmosphere.

Mrs. Zhang  

April 17, 2014  Shanghai


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