In the discussion of “Hypertension and it’s complications”, we have seen quite some hypertensive symptoms. I repeatedly stressed that heart problem is the source of all diseases,and it causes firstly the heart disease, then the invisible heart ( soul, emotions, ideas )and visible heart disease jointly lead to more complications, among which hypertension is one of the most significant.

Disease names should not be the targets we focus, because the names and symptoms are just effects not the causes. To find out the common cause— blockage of meridians is the key to diagnosis and treatment. In order to communicate and discuss easily, I roughly classified according to disease names of modern medicine.

By reading the title “hypertension and complications”, we may know as other chronic diseases, hypertension is also complex disease, without possibility of existing by itself. The question is, among so many disease names and complications, which causes the other? which is the cause? which is the effect?  or which comes first which comes after?

In discussion of heart disease, we quoted the theory of Western medicine and clinical guidance in American doctor  Gilbert Welch’s book.  To discuss hypertension, we may read the book edited by Chinese doctor Hu Dayi Hypertension Daily Rehabilitation Programs under Experts Guidance (hereinafter your referred to as “Hypertension”,  so as to compare with Paidalajin program.

Western medicine said so about hypertension

At first, the statistics provided on the book preface shocked me,  saying, “there are more than 330 million existing hypertensive patients in our country (China), with the world’s highest incidence, besides, there 50 million people with slightly higher blood pressure in the country, and country’s number of hypertensive patients increases 10 million every year.

The book was published in 2016. There are now about 380 million hypertensive patients based on the above-mentioned rate.  It said on Page 237 in the book, more than half of the hypertensive patients of our country have not been diagnosed, among those hypertensive patients not knowing they have themselves are likely to occur complications.” It shows that the number of patients is far more than 380 million. There are few countries having a population of over 380 million in the world.  This is a very serious problem in China.

Secondly, about the cause of primary hypertension, it said clearly that the cause is unknown. But this kind of patients account for 90 percent of the total hypertension diseases.  I never understood before why doctors of Western medicine always say this or that symptom is irreversible while treating patients but telling them to take medicine in their life time. The reason in the theory is not knowing the cause of the disease, so they can only work hard on the effect.

However, our conclusion to the cause of diseases is very clear, heart problem ( negative emotion ) is the source of all diseases, but by no means it can be measured, thus heart disease becomes the cause of other diseases, because it is the organ most sensitive to the heart problem,the earliest to have symptoms in the body,  and affecting the whole body mostly and most profound. The establishment of this theory certainly needs to be proved by numerous clinical experiment.

The other 10 percent is called Secondary hypertension, caused by other diseases. The most common is by endocrine and kidney disease, then tumor and inflammation of the brain, and then all kinds of medicines.

Now that we think all diseases start from heart disease, gradually triggering other chronic diseases, the mentioned endocrine disease, kidney disease, tumor, brain disease should also be caused by heart disease.  But how do you prove it? Surely, by clinical experiments. We will explain in detail with a number of clinical cases in relevant chapters. From this, the secondary hypertension is caused by heart disease.

Although Western medicine theory holds that the cause of hypertension is unknown, we can find the inseparable causality of hypertension and heart disease from the book edited by Hu Dayi. For instance, it described the formation of blood pressure, “blood pressure is jointly formed by the heart, blood vessels and circulating blood in the vessels.” (Page 18)

Now that the heart ranks the first among the elements, if the heart doesn’t work well, we may easily imagine its impact to the blood pressure.  A cellmate with hypertension left me the book when he was released,so I could read it. If he didn’t take medicine, his blood pressure used to go up as high as 190. I told him it was caused by heart disease, but he didn’t think he had heart disease merely with higher blood pressure.

I told him it took only a few minutes to diagnose if he had heart disease by slapping on the inner side of his elbows. There must be Sha (poisoned blood) on the slapped area of the people with heart disease, and slapping causes pain during the slapping time. He slapped himself only half minute with moderate force, several purple and dark bumps of Sha came up, same happened on the other elbow.  He was so frightened to going on slapping, insisting he had no trouble in his heart except higher blood pressure. I didn’t continue to argue with him, only shares some cases with him.

It listed two major symptoms of headache and dizziness on the Chapter “How to find hypertension” (Page 29) described in the book.  I was amused at it! Aren’t they the common symptoms of heart disease we described previously? One may ask: Symptoms on the head, anything to do with heart?

We may take a look how blood pressure is formed described before: it’s jointly exerted by heart, blood vessels and circulating blood in the vessels. Although the symptoms are on the head, the heart, vessels and  blood must all be in “illness”at the moment. How to prove it? It’s easy to know if slapping on the inner side of the elbow or Neiguan acupoint where cardiac meridian and peri cardiac meridian run through. If it causes pain and draw out Sha, that means they are consistent with the cause. Usually dizziness and headache relieve after slapping. The Qi (vital energy) activated by PL can resolve any symptoms of the heart,vessels and blood at the same time, the problem of blood pressure then goes away naturally as well.

The combined accompanying symptoms of the common ones listed in the book amused me more, because they are all linked with heart and brain, almost the same as our discussion in symptoms of heart disease. It might be the reason why Western medicine put the two together as cardia-cerebrovascular disease.

You may ask, “If so, won’t hypertension selfheal as long as the same PL is done to heal heart disease? Yes, it is. However, even for healing heart disease, besides inner side of elbows and Neiguan, other general body parts should also be slapped on, such as hands, feet, knees, head ……

In other words, the slapping way is the same to all complex diseases, so on the body parts, by starting from the general parts and head, then the other parts until the full body, combining with Lajin, because all diseases are complex diseases caused by heart.

To help understanding, we will discuss briefly about the accompanying symptoms of main symptoms of hypertension.

1.Irritability, palpitation and sleeplessness. Aren’t they the symptoms of heart disease?

2.Inattentiveness, memory loss.  They are related directly to heart and brain, brain problem also comes from insufficient supply to the heart

3.Hand and foot numbness. There are three meridians in hand running to the heart and lung, other three meridians to brain and five sense organs. These six meridians are closely related. There are four meridians in foot running to the top of head.

4.Kidney disease. The book described that “prolonged hypertension can cause renal arteriolar sclerosis”.  Actually heart disease causes hypertension and arteriolonephrosclerosis. This causality can be proved by PL clinical experiment.

5.Tinnitus. The book argues that tinnitus is caused by hypertension. But the ultimate cause is the blockage of related meridians to the heart and brain.

6.Bleeding. Nose bleeding is the most common, then eyrground bleeding, conjunctiva bleeding, brain bleeding. These bleedings happen in the brain and sense organs, the quality and pressure of blood are directly related with the heart.

The above discussion can draw a conclusion: hypertension is extension of heart disease, or complication. Whether the conclusion is true, we can only have further discussion in clinical statistics and reports.

I read Chapter 6 “Guideline of rational medicine use for hypertension” over and over again.  It was a real eye-opener for me and made me terribly frightened, because those medicines are so many varieties and complicated, their negative effects are hard to control,  furthermore many other medicines for other diseases also directly cause hypertension. If one has a number of diseases, he will take more medicines and medication will be more complicated.  It’s hard even for a doctor to know the degree of negative effect of certain medicines may cause or clash between medicines, how can the ordinary patients themselves?

Some symptoms can be detected by instruments, but more symptoms are hard to be detected by instruments or experiment. Treatment doesn’t begin until the conditions deteriorate. That’s the difficulty for medication.

There are six kinds of first-line hypotensive medicine according to internationally accepted classificationu:  β-receptor antagonist, ACEI, ARB, CCB, α-receptor antagonist and diuretics.

To help me learn about the side effects of hypotensive medicine, my cellmates gave me two leaflets of medicines they were taking. The type is too small to read. It took me time to find the paragraph about “side effects”.  Comparing English names with the six kinds of medicine, I found their category. Here are parts of side effects in the leaflets for reference.

The first medicine name: APO-Perindopril Arginine, belongs to ACEI, as “Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Inhibitors ” classified as Category Two in the Chinese book “Hypertension”on page 210, for high blood pressure, heart failure or coronary artery disease.

For side effects, described in the leaflets with the same opinion of Chinese medicine, “ All medicines can have side effects. Sometimes they are serious, most of the time they are not.” The following are side effects in detail:

These side effects are extremely rare but can be serious:

• Swelling of your extremities (limbs, hands or feet), lips, face, mouth, tongue or throat.

• A fast and irregular heartbeat.

• Purple spots with occasional

blisters on the front of your arms and legs and/or around your neck and ears (a rare condition known as Stevens-Johnson Syndrome).

• Difficulty in breathing.

• Severe blisters, skin rash, itching, erythema multiforme or other allergic reactions.

Common (may affect up to 1 in 10 people) side effects can include:

• Cough, often described as dry and irritating, shortness of breath, discomfort on exertion.

• Headache, dizziness, vertigo, pins and needles.

• Changes in the rhythm or rate of heartbeat, fast or irregular heartbeat.

• Feeling tired, lethargic or weak.

• Tinnitus (persistent noise in the ear), vision disturbances.

• Hypotension, flushing, impaired peripheral circulation, vasculitis, nose bleeds.

• Nausea, vomiting, taste disturbances, indigestion, diarrhoea, constipation, stomach pain or discomfort.

• Muscle cramps.

• Rash, pruritus (itching).

Uncommon (may affect up to 1 in 100 people) side effects can include:

• High levels in the blood of potassium, urea and/or creatine, low sodium levels in the blood.

• Mood disturbances, sleep disturbances (difficulty sleeping, abnormal dreams), feeling sleepy or drowsy, fainting.

• Difficulty in breathing or wheezing.

• Dry mouth.

• Swelling of the face, lips, mouth,

tongue or throat which may cause difficulty in swallowing or breathing.

• Excessive sweating.

• Increased sensitivity of the skin to

sun, skin rash or inflammation of the skin often including blisters that weep and become crusted.

• Increase in some white blood cells.

• Erectile dysfunction.

• Fever or high temperature.

• Chest pain.

• Kidney problems.

• Decreased blood sugar levels.

• Aching muscles, muscle tenderness or weakness, not caused by exercise.

• Generally feeling unwell.

• Falls

Rare (may affect up to 1 in 1,000 people) side effects can include:

• Elevation of bilirubin levels in the blood, increased liver enzymes.

• Worsening of psoriasis.

• Kidney disease.

• Problems with production or

passing of urine.

Very rare (may affect up to 1 in 10,000 people) side effects can include:

• Hepatitis.

• Inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis).

• Eosinophilic pneumonia.

• Runny or blocked nose, sneezing,

facial pressure or pain.

• Red, often itchy spots, similar to the rash of measles, which starts on the limbs and sometimes on the face and the rest of the body.

• Joint pain.

• Swelling of hands, ankles or feet.

• Bleeding or bruising more easily than normal caused by a low blood platelet count, frequent infections such as fever, severe chills, sore throat or mouth ulcers caused by a lack of white blood cells, pancytopenia (a rare type of anaemia).

• Illnesses resulting from a lack of red blood cells.

• Stroke, myocardial infarction, angina pectoris (a feeling of tightness, pressure or heaviness in the chest).

• Changes in the rhythm or rate of the heartbeat.

• Confusion, depression or hallucinations.

Not known (frequency cannot be estimated from the data available):

• Discolouration, numbness and pain in fingers or toes (Raynaud’s phenomenon).

More than 40 side effects are listed above.

The second medicine is Amlodipine APOTEX, for treatment of hypertension and angina pectoris, as Category Four in the Chinese book “Hypertension” Page 211, CCB (Calcium Channel Blockers)

Side effects include:


• headache

• dizziness

• flushing

• tiredness, drowsiness or sleepiness

• stomach pain or nausea.

• indigestion

• sexual problems

Tell your doctor as soon as possible if you notice any of the following:

• changes in heartbeat, either fast or slow

• swelling of the ankles, feet, face or hands

• tingling or numbness of the hands or feet

• dizziness or light-headedness on standing up from a sitting or lying position.

• unusual tiredness or weakness

• muscle cramps or aches, joint pain

• eye pain, vision changes

• mood changes, feeling anxious or nervous

• itching, yellowing of the skin and eyes, dark-coloured urine (signs of liver disease)

• unusual movements, including trembling and shaking of the hands and fingers, twisting movements of the body, shuffling walk and stiffness of the arms and legs

The above list includes serious side effects and you may need medical attention.

In the jail I asked the patients who were taking those medicines if they noticed the list of side effects printed on the leaflets, they said no. They were given a fright after our looking over all types of side effects, saying they would have never known the reason why they had some adverse reactions on the body in the past.

Three patients with hypertension stopped taking hypotensive drugs after practicing Paidalajin when I was in another jail the year before, but their blood pressure is more normal.  One of them became my roommate. He stopped taking medicine, but dared not tell his doctor, still fetched it regularly, thus quite a few bottles of medicine were left over.

He once had his doctor copied a leaflet of medicine he was taking. He broke into a cold sweat after having read  the full list of side effects of the medicine.  Pointing several fully-packed bottles, he said,

“All those tablets would have been in my body if I didn’t do Paidalajin. It’s fearful to think about it. No wonder those years I used to have rash, itching, blisters, nausea, constipation, memory loss, ringing in the ears, worsening headache.”

Afterwards he made a list of 21 illnesses, both minor and severe ones, with improvement or elimination after Paidalajin of several months, among which most are skin problems and joint pains. Now he realized those are largely related to the medicines. The question is, should we take medicine when the blood pressure goes up? This has been well answered repeatedly in my books and lectures: “Regulate the heart first, followed by external treatment and dietary therapies, and use medication as the last resort.”

The fact that both TCM and Western medicine believe all medicines have negative effects,  answered the above question actually. All medicines have both positive and negative effects. If its positive effects are greater than its negative ones to the cure,  sure you can use it.

How do you know which are greater,  the positive or the negative? Now only you have the final say, because you are the person having done the clinical experiment of your own.  If you recovered, you were certainly right to take it. If you have not recovered since you took it for a long time, but you are continuing to take it without changing your mind for a new way,  that’s your own willingness.

If you are getting more diseases after taking more medicine with your own clinical experiment for several years or even more than ten years, I have nothing to say in reply. As above-mentioned methods, healing naturally without toxin, all can be used like heart regulating, external treatment and dietary therapies, each of which has many different ways. There are no such methods in Western medicine, to your question, therefore their answer can only be taking medicine or doing operation. So, they may not feel embarrassed about it.

Why is Paidalajin an alternative choice and thinking? Not only it is a simple therapy of external treatment,  but also everyone can do it, as neither Paida (slapping) nor Lajin (stretching) is medical treatment.

If you have done the clinical experiment by using this non-medical practice and healed the disease which doctors of both Chinese medicine and Western medicine can hardly heal, then you are  the expert of this PL technique, and your knowledge about PL must be more authoritative than those doctors who haven’t done any PL practice.

According to medical experts, it is because you have done the clinical experiment and the results proved that. If you have recovered but you are continuing to take medicine, you must be a fool or maniac. In a word, taking medicine or doing Paida, all up to you. However, one thing is for sure, it can never be illegal if you have healed your severe and lingering disease by yourself!

Come to you with a clinical report about stopping taking medicine after PL, in which side effects of hypotensive medicine are listed.