Indonesia-2: Effect on hyperthyroidism and stroke sequela after PaidaLajin

Testimonial Linda Preliana     

Age : 49 tahun. Live in Bandung, Indonesia.
I know I suffered from hyperthyroidism since December 2010.On 30 Apr 2012 …. I got the nuclear radiation for the first time…. And since the test results are still not optimal, repeat the nuclear radiation for the second time on 6 Sept 2012.
Treatment to some Prof., Endocrine Specialist Doctor, Eye and Heart, and finally become hypersensitive to all kind of medicine. Because of this hyperthyroid I may not be tired in the slightest, the heart will be pounding, my pulse rate become very high, weak and  also began began to tremor. Emotional instability … easily upset, sad and emotional.
Then in 2013, the eyes start bulging and protruding … until finally my view become double and prohibited to carry vehicle/driving by a doctor. I was getting desperate … I can not do anything .. even I did not watch TV,  because I have to close one eye to see.
And that makes me sad … my skin become hypersensitive to the sun … if I get hot, itchy ….. and leaving scratch pitted marks. There were lots of darker blotches on my face because of excessive hormones.
And the most hassle is,  I couldn’t take any medication … especially on the shelf medicine. Ever provided high dose steroids by an ophthalmologist … to release the stress of the eye nerve  and more glaring, my face became swollen (moon-faced) and gain weight.
On one evening, after taking medicine, my tongue became swollen, ear cavity and the whole body became itchy … and finally I went to Emergency Room at 2 AM because of breathing difficulty. Every day I feel itchy until I got blisters, such case repeated every time I took the medicine. Since then I just tried the non medication treatment, try acupuncture, acupressure, massage.
Until …. I was introduced by Mrs. Nensi  to Mr./Mrs.  Hanafi  on 10 Dec 2013 .. who came to GOR, Jl. Padjadjaran Bandung, Indonesia to introduce Paida Lajin. I did Paida and Lajin in GOR and Paida several times at home but not so serious … then I forget. I am not realise of PL results even lab tests was continued to improve. I just realised my FT4 test result was improved 14 days after 1x PL is done after arrival of Mr. Hanafi to the GOR. And TsHs which for more than 3 years never change …. began to move … but I do PL still not regularly … I did only if Mrs. Nensi  warned me, the result was also there but was still up and down.
After attending a seminar in Bandung and follow by the workshop for one day end of June 2015, a little more diligent doing PL, I find my knees did not hurt to go up and down the stairs and did not made any sounds again.
When I woke up in the morning, I felt more refreshed …. and of course the results of the lab test were improved and all were normal – inclusive my cholesterol. My last control was on Aug 18, 2015. The Endocrine Specialists in Boromeus Hospital asked me what is Paida Lajin and she wants to see on Youtube and asked me to write on a piece of paper. Because several times she frequently saw and asked why my body were bruises … (A domestic Violence???). The Feedback from the doctor about Paida Lajin …”nice”… I should continue practice  PL… if the result is making me better.


My 81 years old mother got stroke since 2010 … 1 year lay on bed and senile … for 2 years treated with acupuncture  2 times a week … then 1 times … Ever treated by electrical therapy. Finally she can sit with difficulty…. very hard to walk and could not move her right arm smoothly, even she can talk fluently. Until before the Moslem New Year on  July 17, 2015.
Seeing my health improvements … and some people around me….my mother took the initiative to slap her knees and hands….every morning and evening …… lots of red/blue spot appeared surround her knee and hands, but disappear very fast. That night she felt cold shivers and the next morning she could move her right thumb and little finger.
And this morning feeling very happy, she told and showed me her right arm already had the energy to Paida her right knee. Thank God.  Hope my mother can walk again soon….. Because she had no other complain.
Linda Preliana     
Testimonial.     Linda Preliana     
Umur 49 tahun.Tinggal di Bandung, Indonesia
Saya mengetahui menderita hyperthyroid  sejak Desember 2010.Pada  30 apr 2012….saya mendapat radiasi nuklir untuk yang pertama..dan hasil tes lab masih belum optimal, diulang radiasi nuklir yg ke dua pada tg. 6 sept 2012.
Berobat ke beberapa prof., dokter spec. endokrin, mata dan jantung, dan terakhir menjadi hypersensitif thd smua obat. Karena hyperthyroid ini saya tidak boleh lelah sedikit pun, jantung saya akan berdebar-debar keras dan badan lemas, juga mulai gemetar. Emosi tidak stabil… mudah marah, mudah sedih… mudah terbawa emosi.
Kemudian di 2013 mata mulai melotot dan  menonjol…sampai akhirnya pandangan saya dobel dan dilarang bawa kendaraan/stir oleh dokter. Saya mulai putus asa… semua tidak dapat saya kerjakan…nonton tv pun tidak saya lakukan karena harus menutup sebelah mata, untuk melihat .
Dan yang membuat saya sedih… kulit saya hypersensitif terhadap matahari… kalau kena panas,  gatal….. dan meninggalkan bekas garukan berbintik2. Bercak diwajah semakin gelap karena hormon yang berlebihan.
Dan yang paling repot saya tidak dapat minum obat… apalagi obat2an bebas . Pernah diberikan steroid dengan dosis cukup tinggi  oleh dr Mata… Untuk syaraf mata yang menekan dan semakin melotot, muka saya menjadi bengkak (moonface) dan berat badan bertambah.
Pernah suatu malam setelah minum obat dokter, lidah saya bengkak sampai mulut sesak, rongga telinga, dan seluruh badan gatal… dan akhirnya saya masuk UGD jam 2 pagi karena susah bernafas. Setiap hari gatal sampai bentol-2, hal spt ini terus terulang setiap saya minum obat.
Sejak itu saya hanya mencoba pengobatan yang tidak memakai obat yg dimakan, coba tusuk jarum, acupresure, pijat totok.
Sampai….saya diperkenalkan oleh ibu Nensi dgn pak/ibu Hanafi yg pada tanggal 10 Des 2013.. datang ke GOR, Jl.  Pajajaran Bdg memperkenalkan Paida Lajin.
Saya melakukan Paida dan Lajin di GOR dan Paida beberapa kali dirumah tapi tidak serius… selanjutnya saya lupakan. Saya tidak menyadari dari PL hasil tes lab. terus membaik.
Saya baru sadar hasil tes FT 4 sy membaik 14 hari setelah 1x dilakukan PL yaitu setelah kedatangan pak Hanafi ke GOR. Dan TsHs yg selama lebih dari 3 tahun tidak pernah bergerak angkanya….mulai bergerak… tapi saya melakukan PL masih asal… kalau ibu Nensi mengingatkan saja, hasilnya juga ada tapi masih naik turun.
Setelah ikut seminar di Bdg dan mengikuti Lokakarya sehari, akhir bulan Juni 2015, agak lebih rajin PL, saya mendapati lutut sudah tidak sakit untuk naik/turun tangga dan tidak berbunyi krik krik lagi.
Bangun tidur lebih segar…. dan tentunya hasil cek lab. membaik dan normal semua termasuk kolestrol saya. Terakhir saya kontrol  18 Agt 2015. Dr.  spec. endokrin RS Boromeus menanyakan apa itu Paida Lajin dan dia ingin melihat di youtube minta saya menuliskan di kertas. Karena beberapa kali dia sering melihat dan  menanyakan kenapa badan saya memar2… Seperti KDRT. Tanggapan dokter tentang Paida Lajin… bagus… boleh dilanjutkan… kalau memang hasilnya makin lama makin baik.


Ibu saya 81 th sejak 2010 kena stroke…1 tahun terbaring dalam keadaan pikun dan hanya terbaring…selama 2 thn diterapi tusuk jarum seminggu 2 kali…selanjutnya 1 kali…pernah diterapi setrum..akhirnya bisa duduk dengan susah payah…. susah jalan dan tidak bisa menggerakkan tangan kanannya..walaupun bicara lancar. Hingga sebelum lebaran 17 Juli 2015. Melihat kesembuhan saya…dan beberapa orang disekeliling saya..ibu saya  berinisiatif memukul mukul lutut, lengannya..tiap pagi dan sore…lututnya biru2 tapi cepat hilang…dilengan juga merah biru…yg dirasakan kalau malam badannya dingin sampai menggigil….dan paginya dia melihat ibu jari dan kelingkingnya bisa bergerak-gerak..dan tadi pagi dgn gembira ibu saya bilang dan menunjukan kepada saya…tangan kanannya sdh bertenaga mem Paida lutut kanannya. Puji Tuhan.
Mudah2an ibu saya bisa kembali berjalan….karena keadaannya sebenarnya tidak ada keluhan sakit yang lain.
 Linda Preliana


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