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Indonesia-4: Avoiding TKR, anti-hypertension and smoking cessation
English. (英语) July 27, 2015
Pintolina (65 years old), Height 155 cm, Weight 71 Kg (Medan – Indonesia)
In October, 2013, my mother was hospitalized at Columbia Asia because of complaints in the spine and the knee joint resulting in severe pain when walking. MRI examination resultsthere is a pinched nerve in the lumbar section L3, L4, and L5 in the spine and osteoarthritis in the knee joint at the right knee had stage 3 and the left knee had stage 1.
The results of the doctor’s diagnosis, surgery must be done immediately at the pinched nerves in the spine and then the next month knee replacement surgery (Total Knee Replacement /TKR) in the right knee and steroid injection in the left knee. However, considering the financial factor and also the age factor, then 63 years old, my family had decided not to operate.
With conditions such as legs and spine, my mother always taking painkillers and other bone drugs every day for at least 10 items of medicines consumed in order to walk and reduce pain in the bones. Other treatment is to massage every two weeks and physiotherapy treatment.
Familiar with massage treatment and physiotherapy but the pain is still there. Since November 2014 I switched to acupuncture treatment, but not too successful. Acupuncturedoctor also suggested toperformed surgery, because according to him, acupuncture can only help reduce pain but will not fix the pinched nerve and bone conditions that have osteoarthritis.
With the help of chemical drugs, my mother could last until March 2015, and eventually had to be hospitalized again because the stomach has been eroded and virtually leak (ultrasound examination results). Most likely it is because too many and often consumption of chemical drugs for many years. Feeling that my mother couldn’t stand because of thedisease, I surrendered and asked for surgery on the knee.
Because of my insistence, “Simson” start looking for information on hospitals and doctors who recommended to Total Knee Replacement in Medan / Jakarta / Malaysia / Singapore or Thailand, because I have studied in Thailand.
While looking for the information, one of my friends introduced Paida-Lajin and sent me YouTube link and reading about Paida-Lajin (English version). From the link I look for more information and become acquainted with Mr. Wong and Mr. Hanafi then join WhatsApp group to exchange information. The first impression made me fall in love with Paida-Lajin is in Paida-Lajin information does not suggest chemical drugs, do not recommend supplements, and do not sell products. Unlike other alternative is a trade that eventually supplement or medical equipment (multi-level marketing).
I am very confident with the term Self Healing, My health – I manage. I immediately apply Paida-Lajin on April 26, 2015 and stop taking all kinds of drugs my mother usually eat. The first week I apply Lajin each foot 20 minutes with 2 kg weight at the down foot, routine every morning and afternoon. The eighth day, the 2nd of May 2015, I do Paida on both knee joints, back foot, both inner elbows, and all the back bodies. All the places I paida issued Sha.
Lajin at the house pole
Paida on the knee
The ninth day, May 3rd,2015 my mother chills and fever for three days, the Paida activity stopped but Lajin still routine in the morning and evening for 25 minutes per foot and 4 Kg weight.
After the fever cured, a week later 10 May 2015, We apply again Paida activity in the calves, thighs and underarms. But the next morning chills and high fever back again, sicker thanthe first time (healing crisis). I always share what my mother’s feel in the WhatsApp group and always guided online by Mr. Hanafi, Mr. Wong, Mrs. Ut and the other group members. Incredible atmosphere of mutual support and encouragement although we never met, only the introduction by online. The second healing crisis is very painful not only fever but some parts of the body suddenly swollen and then heal itself without treatment, strange …
During the week, fever and swollen instep alternately left and right make my mother discouraged and unwilling to continue Paida-Lajin again. At that time I also panic plus the mental pressure of brothers who do not agree with the treatment of Paida- Lajin.
But thanks to the motivation of the group members and direct phone and talk to me, my mother finally willing to do Paida-Lajin again, but with a slight feeling of doubt and fearthat the next healing crisis will happen again.
Lajin on a bench
With a feeling that has not been convinced that Paida Lajin can heal my mother, I am determined to take my mother to Jakarta and met with Mr. Hongchi Xiao and attend theseminar “Paida Lajin Self-Healing“ in Jakarta on June 27th, 2015. Although yet to feel notmuch benefit from Paida-Lajin, I and my mother finally decided to join the workshop Paida Lajin in Bandung June 29 – July 5, 2015.
Paida – Lajin during Seminar in Jakarta, 27 Juli 2015
Feel the money we invest in these activities is very large (in our financial condition), I and my mother runs Paida Lajin workshop seriously without the slightests violates what is in the WS. We did it seriously and sincerely. My mother’s health progress during the WS in Bandung :
The first day : my mother came using the stick and must be guided to walk. After the initial examination, we followed a series of events with the WS determined without the slightest complain regarding the activities and the food menu “without rice, side dishes and vegetables”. We try to accept with sincere that everything set in the WS are the best for us.Activities Paida-Lajin , meditation and sharing went smoothly that day.
first day Workshop
The second day : Jogging activity is an activity that is painful for my mother, was only able to walk about 50 meters while the other participants had run around the field . Activities meditation is also a new thing for my mother , took meditation but just see other people meditate . After being given an explanation of meditation, just understand the benefit and intend tomorrow meditation will be more serious. Lajin is not something that is difficult for my mother because she often did it at home, but Paida make my mother fear the healing crisis will come again .
Second day Lajin
The third day : With extraordinary zeal morning , my mother could go twice round a football field although with eight times rest. The third day my mother was not using the cane anymore , but still led for fear of falling . Paida activity (carpet bombing) and Lajin followed with passion. Much more spirit than when doing Paida at home. There is strongPaida atmosphere in the crowded workshop and people motivate each other.
Third day waist swirling and jogging
The fourth day : My mother was able to go walking and jogging four times round the grounds, amazingly, I am very happy to see my mother’s health progress day by day . No painful healing crisis, much better health and more energetic though on the fourth day began fasting. Only Ginger Drink without meal at all but the body is more refreshed and energetic . Initially worried about stomach disease but strangely no pain in the stomach during fasting. Fantastic.
The fifth day : Five rounds of soccer field can be done by my mother without a break and without any complaints at all . Knowing my mother’s progress , I am very happy and cheerful . Today activity Paida done with more passion again. My mother also testified to the WS participants about what she feels.
The sixth day : Feeling pain in the legs only at the time she start to stand, but after standing for 5 turns around the football field is not a tough job. Jogging today feels light. All activities Paida-Lajin felt short today. Breakfasting and health examination carried out at the end of the event . A fantastic result , blood pressure of 145/86 down to 110/77, weight loss of 74.3 kg into a 71.9 Kg, blood sugar dropped from 5.2 to 4.5. One more result is no less important, my mother managed to quit smoking since the workshops. Decades trying to quit smoking can not be done, but after the workshop, my mother felt cigarette was very uncomfortable even inhale cigarette smoke alone.
Sixth day breakfasting
Seventh day cheerfully smile
Changes in lifestyle and living habits to make the body become better “Betterlife”.
I was “sorry” to know Paida-Lajin, “sorry” why now to know Paida-Lajin, but for a better life, there is “Regret Nothing” to say, Just Do It and You will Betterlife.
Until now, my mother still did jogged 2 kilometers every morning , meditation , Paida and Lajin and maintain her diet. Simple and healthy lifestyle. Pain in the spine, pain in the knees and stomach disease disappeared after attending the workshop for seven days.
“Now I feel 15 years younger than my age , I feel the age of 50 years young. Fantastic … !!!” Said my mother.
Thank you master Hongchi Xiao , master Hanafi , master Wong , master Kemal and other masters Paida-Lajin. May we all Betterlife .
Personal experience, Pintolina
Written by, Simson
Posting by,
Pintolina(65 岁), 身高 1.55米 , 体重 71公斤 (印尼棉兰市)
2013年10月份, 我母亲行走时因腰椎和膝关节剧痛而住进印尼Columbia Asia医院。核磁共振检查结果显示脊椎L3,L4和L5节神经受压,骨关节炎的程度:右膝关节到了第三阶段,左膝关节到了第一阶段。

根据医生诊断,必须立即在脊椎神经受压处做手术,然后次月在右膝做全膝关节置换手术,左膝注射类固醇。 不过,因为资金问题、年龄因素,况且已经63岁了,我们家里还是决定放弃手术。
我对“我的健康我做主”的自愈健康理念充满信心。从2015年4月26开始对我母亲拍打拉筋, 并让她停止通常服用的所有药物。第一周拉筋,每天上午下午各一次,每次每条腿负重2公斤拉20分钟。第八天,即5月2日,我拍打她的两个膝关节、脚背、手肘内侧及整个后背。所有拍打的部位都出痧。

一周以后,即5月10日,发烧好了, 我们又开始拍打。拍打部位是小腿、大腿和腋下。但是第二天上午,有时发冷发热,比第一次发作更虚弱。我时常把我母亲的感受在交流群里分享,同时也得到哈纳菲先生、王先生、Ut女士及其它成员的在线指导。大家都没有见过面,只是在网上认识,大家却能相互支持与鼓励,营造了令人难以置信的气场。第二次气冲病灶是很痛苦的,除了发烧,还有身体的一些部位突然肿胀,但后来不治而愈。这对我们是陌生的。
那一周,发烧、肿胀的两个脚背,让我母亲有些泄气,不愿继续拍打。那时,我也有些恐慌,精神有压力,因为我兄弟不同意用拍打拉筋来自愈。不过我要感谢群里成员的激励,他们直接电话里与我交谈,我母亲最终愿意继续接受拍打拉筋, 尽管对再次发生气冲病灶还有些疑惑和害怕。





撰写: Simson
Indonesian. (印尼语) 27 July, 2015
Pintolina (65 tahun), Tinggi 155 cm, Berat Badan 71 Kg (Medan – Indonesia)
Bulan Oktober tahun 2013, ibu saya masuk rumah sakit Columbia Asia karena keluhan di tulang belakang dan kedua sendi lutut yang mengakibatkan rasa nyeri yang sangat saat berjalan. Hasil pemeriksaan MRI terdapat syaraf terjepit di Lumbar bagian L3, L4, dan L5 di bagian tulang belakang dan Osteoarthritis di kedua sendi lutut yang kanan sudah stadium 3 dan yang kiri stadium 1. Hasil diagnose dokter, harus segera dilakukan operasi syaraf terjepit di tulang belakang dan setelah itu satu bulan berikutnya dilakukan operasi penggantian lutut (Total Knee Replacement/TKR) di lutut kaki kanan dan suntikan steroid di lutut kaki kiri. Namun karena mempertimbangkan faktor keuangan dan juga faktor usia yang saat itu 63 tahun, saya dan keluarga memutuskan untuk tidak operasi.
Dengan kondisi kaki dan tulang belakang seperti itu, ibu saya selalu mengkonsumsipenahan rasa sakitdan obat tulang lainnya setiap hari minimal 10 butir obat-obatan yang dikonsumsi agar dapat berjalan dan meredam rasa nyeri di tulang. Perlakuan lainnya yakni massage setiap dua minggu sekali dan perlakuan physiotherapy. Terbiasa dengan treatment massage dan physiotherapy namun rasa sakit tetap tidak hilang. Sejak November 2014 saya beralih ke pengobatan acupuncture, namun tidak juga berhasil dan dokter acupuncture juga menyarankan agar dilakukan tindakan operasi karena menurut beliau acupuncture hanya dapat membantu mengurangi rasa sakit namun tidak akan memperbaiki syaraf terjepit dan kondisi tulang yang sudah osteoarthritis.
Dengan bantuan obat-obatan kimia, ibu saya bisa bertahan sampai Maret 2015 dan akhirnya harus masuk rumah sakit lagi karena lambung sudah terkikis dan hampir bocor (hasil pemeriksaan USG). Kemungkinan besar hal itu dikarenakan terlalu banyak dan sering mengkonsumsi obat kimia selama bertahun-tahun.
Merasa sudah tidak tahan lagi dengan penyakit yang diderita oleh ibu saya, saya pasrah dan meminta tindakan operasi pada lutut. Karena desakan saya, “Simson” mulai mencari informasi mengenai rumah sakit dan dokter yang rekomended untuk melakukan Total Knee Replacement di Medan/ Jakarta/ Malaysia/ Singapura atau Thailand karena sayapernah sekolah di Thailand.
Dimasa mencari informasi tersebut, salah seorang teman saya memperkenalkan Paida-Lajin dan mengirimkan link youtube serta bacaan tentang Lajin Paida (versi English). Dari link tersebut saya mencari informasi lebih banyak lagi dan berkenalan dengan bapak Wong dan bapak Hanafi, kemudian ikut group WhatsApp untuk tukar informasi. Kesan pertama membuat saya jatuh cinta pada Paida-Lajin adalah dalam informasi Paida-Lajin tidak menyarankan obat-obatan kimia, tidak menyarankan supplement, dan tidak menjual produk. Tidak seperti alternative yang lain yang akhirnya adalah dagang supplement atau alat kesehatan (bisnis multi level marketing).
Saya sangat yakin dengan istilah Penyembuhan Diri Sendiri, Kesehatan Saya – Saya Kelola. Saya langsung terapkan Paida-Lajin pada 26 April 2015 dan stop mengkonsumsi segala macam obat-obatan yang biasa ibu saya makan. Seminggu pertama saya terapkan Lajin setiap kaki 20 menit dengan beban kaki bawah 2 kg, rutin setiap pagi dan sore. Hari ke delapan, tanggal 2 May 2015 saya lakukan Paida di kedua sendi lutut, punggung telapak kaki, kedua siku tangan, dan semua badan bagian belakang. Semua tempat yang saya paida mengeluarkan sha.

Lajin di tiang rumah

Paida bagian lutut kaki
Hari ke sembilan 3 May 2015 ibu saya meriang dan demam selama tiga hari, aktivitas Paida berhenti namun Lajin masih rutin pagi dan sore selama 25 menit per kaki dan beban 4 Kg. Setelah demam sembuh, seminggu kemudian 10 May 2015, aktivitas Paida kami terapkan lagi di bagian betis, paha dan ketiak. Kembali keesokan harinya meriang dan demam tinggi lebih sakit daripada demam yang pertama (disebut healing crisis). Saya selalu sharing apa yang ibu saya rasakan dalam group WhatsApp dan selalu dibimbing secara online oleh pak Hanafi, pak Wong, bu Oet dan member group lainnya. Suasana yang luar biasa saling mendukung dan menyemangati walaupun belum pernah ketemu, hanya perkenalan online saat itu. Healing crisis kedua ini sangat menyakitkan tidak hanya demam tapi beberapa bagian tubuh tiba-tiba bengkak dan kemudian sembuh sendiri tanpa diobati, aneh… Selama seminggu demam dan punggung kaki bengkak bergantian kiri dan kanan membuat ibu saya patah semangat dan tidak mau melanjutkan Paida-Lajin lagi. Saat itu saya juga panik ditambah tekanan mental dari saudara-saudara yang tidak setuju dengan perlakuan Paida- ajin.
Tapi berkat motivasi dari member group yang langsung telepon dan bicara dengan saya, akhirnya ibu saya mau melakukan Paida-Lajin lagi, namun dengan perasaan yang sedikit ragu dan takut akan terjadi healing crisis berikutnya.
Meja Lajin sudah ada
Dengan perasaan yang belum yakin bahwa Paida Lajin dapat menyembuhkan, sayabertekad membawa ibu saya ke Jakarta dan bertemu langsung dengan Mr. Hongchi Xiaodan mengikuti seminar “Penyembuhan Diri Sendiri Paida–Lajin” di Jakarta tanggal 27 Juni 2015. Walaupun belum merasakan banyak manfaat dari Paida-Lajin, saya dan ibu sayaakhirnya memutuskan untuk mengikuti workshop Paida Lajin di Bandung tanggal 29 Juni – 5 Juli 2015.