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Author: lanziegler
Lajin makes her thick thighs slimmer
Editor’s comment: Losing weight is just a bi-product of PaidaLajin. There are many stories of weight loss on waist, tummy, arms and legs. Please read the story of this lady who is in her 50s. Her thighs became slim after doing Lajin for half a year. Human’s self-healing power plays miracles. As long as you…
Rhinitis and Pharyngitis Healed through Paida, Gained Weight
Editor’s comment: This sharing from an online PaidaLajin workshop participant indicates that it is very beneficial to Paida the head and the face. One can receive better results if the common regions, four limbs or the entire body are also being slapped. In my view, it was not coincident that the author completely healed her…
Self-Healed Urticaria and Shingles with PaidaLajn
The lady from China shared her PL experience after she self-healed her skin diseases, such as urticaria and shingles.
When the 81-Year-Old Constipated for 5~6 Days……
Why did the 81 years old lady recover so quickly after receiving the Paida for five afternoons? The secret lies in each Paida time duration was over three hours. The quick healing accounted for the carpet bombing Paida, not the Paida on one or two regions.
A Thrilling Paida Story of a Non-Verbal Toddler
Editor’s Comment: This case sounded quite scary at the beginning, because the two-year-old toddler who is incapable of expressing herself, had an emergency of an epilepsy-like symptom due to an actual cause of indigestion. It was a blessing that she was rescued by receiving Paida on the way to the hospital. Last week my younger…
How did I make my color spots, excessive fat, kidney deficiency and sub-health symptoms disappear?
The story teller is absolutely a firm action taker. Please read her story to learn how she got rid of color spots on her face, lost weight and ….
The Healing Wisdom of PaidaLajin – Healing Crisis
PaidaLajin (PL) self-healing for me is about conditioning the body. So our mind does not stand in the way of developing healing consciousness and Healing Crisis (HC) is the awareness of (PL) self-healing with its ability to detox, heal and prevent diseases. Healing Crisis (HC) becomes visible through exercising (PL) self-healing. Is this a weird…