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Author: manager
Paida brought me back to life at a fitness centre
Paida brought me back to life at a fitness centre Mr. Xiao’s Comment: In this testimonial, Ms. Yang fell on the ground at a fitness centre, her hands and feet icy cold. It scared away a worker there. Fortunately, she remembered Paida and mustered all her remaining strength to instruct workers still there to…
Paida saved a dizzy, hypertensive patient on a train
Paida saved a dizzy, hypertensive patient on a train The day before yesterday I took High Speed Rail G60 from my hometown Ningbo city back to Beijing. On the way, I suddenly heard an announcement — A passenger in Compartment No. 5 was feeling some discomforts and needed a doctor or medical professional’s assistance. Apparently,…
Paida saved a dizzy, hypertensive patient on a train
[:en]Paida saved a dizzy, hypertensive patient on a train The day before yesterday I took High Speed Rail G60 from my hometown Ningbo city back to Beijing. On the way, I suddenly heard an announcement — A passenger in Compartment No. 5 was feeling some discomforts and needed a doctor or medical professional’s assistance. Apparently,…
Paida healed a 3-year-old with high fever-induced convulsion
One day, I took my son to a small shop to buy things. When he was picking his favourite cookies, the owner of the shop suddenly cried out aloud. It scared me, for I thought there was a robbery. I followed the sounds and found that his three-year-old grandson was in a coma due…
Seeding (1)
Nothing is too bizarre in the world. I have never had such an experience in the school until last Thursday afternoon. Around 2:30. I was grading student’s assignments when one of my senior students ran into the classroom, urging me to go to help her math teacher immediately. I asked her what kind of…
Seeding (2)
In the last weekend of May, my elder brother came to USA for the first time. He stayed with us and participated in our daily routines for a few days. On the day he departed for Maryland, he and I (just two of us) chatted for a while. The saddest news about the life is…
Self-healing of back pain and Swimming causing illness
(Narrated by Jannie, edited by Lan) The long history of my back pain goes back to my twenties when I used to lift heavy items. The pain increased after I committed myself more in the yard work in our new home about ten years ago. On those weekends I would work on my knees long…
A second talk about non-medication self-healing of children illnesses
After releasing my personal WeChat account number on Master Xiao’s blog, within days nearly 200 people added me. Many of them are new mothers and pregnant women. All those people have very interesting questions about kids self-healing and I think it is necessary to write again in more details discussing self-healing without medication for children…
A sharing by an Insight Meditator after 7 days Paida-Lajin Self-Healing Retreat
* Definition of 2 terminology which will be used very often in the diary :