India Workshop Spring 2017




5 responses to “India Workshop Spring 2017”

  1. azmegan Avatar

    What does it mean if I get Sha on one arm and not the other when slapping as hard as Master Xio’s showed in one seminar?

    1. If it is indeed the case, then it means one of your arm is more blocked than the other.

  2. I am doing only lajin. Is paida required?
    Lajin alone will help?

    1. Donald Hwong Avatar
      Donald Hwong

      Paida and Lajin each helps different issues.

  3. rozypozy Avatar

    All the videos at the workshop was interesting. I love in the Bahamas, will a workshop be held closer to me in USA? Please keep me posted I will very much like to attend one.
    Thank you.