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Testimonial – Paida Helps Covid-19
Paida Helps Covid-19 July 4, 2021 : Mr. Freddy, 24 years old and his wife Mrs. Fara Wulan Puspitasari, 20 years old was tested positive of Covid-19, they did not feel well, were out of breath and feverish. When their best friend Mr. Nielz who is a Paida Lajin practitioner (*He’s already read Master Xiao’s…
Paida Lajin a wonderful method
Personal PaidaLajin Witness & JourneyI came to know paida lajin though internet and after watching many testimonies of how much paida lajin can help you to keep your health or heal some disease/discomfort in our body. I started to practice some times regularly sometimes occasionally Paida Lajin. In general It helps me personally to increase…
Testimonials Emailed
We were just copied on the following testimonials emailed to HCCC Australia. We thank you for your support. ********** I am writing from Fiji Islands. The enclosed photo is of my Lajin bed, made for me by a local man. During the day, i spend 10-20 minutes relaxing on this bed, stretching out my muscles…
Daddy’s Sciatic Pain Relieved
I’m just able to logged in my gmail account since I ‘ve been living in China, accompanying my parents who were very sick, indeed my mom passed away a month ago, so I just read this email today. Thank you Donald for sharing MX’s latest info. and so happy to see all the caring and warm…
My War With Addiction In Prison
My name Hung Khac Pham. This article is about my war with addition, namely drugs, alcohol, smoking and gambling. These addiction almost destroyed my life. Although I tried several times to win the war. I didn’t succeed until I came to prison. Thirteen years ago, when I first came to Australia, a country I dearly…
What I have learned from Online Workshop
Relief From Constipation & Frequent Pee
This is the testimonials from Shri, a participant in our Online Workshop (2/4/2019). [embedyt][/embedyt]
From Prison To Paradise
My name is Srebre Orden Tororoshi, also known as Aka Steve (MIN#444860). I want to tell you how PaidaLajin has caused my physical, mental and spiritual liberation in prison. So let me begin by giving you an insight of some of the symptoms and conditions I was suffering prior to doing PaidaLajin. First and foremost…
Prisoner Healed In Jail (3)
My name is Su Chen Cheng (MIN#574655). I am a 34 year old Taiwanese. I am also Hongchi Xiao’s cellmate here at Long Bay Correctional Center. I came to know PaidaLajin through Mr Xiao’s teachings. I asked my family to mail three books written by Mr. Xiao and I have read all of them. Before…
Prisoner Healed In Jail (2)
I, Derrick Washington (MIN: #603938), came to Long Bay Correction Center on May 4, 2018, when I got to Long Bay Correctional Center, I was having headache pain. I was asking the nurse for pain killers for my headache. I was taking pain killers for about a week and the pain would still come back.…